piCore RPI(3) INFO

  • .img created 6 JUNE 2020
  • piCore-9.0.3
  • prepared for headless usage
  • SuperCollider v3.11.0 with sc3-plugins

plug and play

  • connect ethernet to rpi and powerup
  • login to user 'tc' via ssh - password is piCore
  • start supercollider
    there is two ways of doing that
    1. type scnvim and hit enter for (headless supercollider neovim using scnvim)
    2. if you just want to use sclang do -> sudo sclang from tty/pty(pts)
  • nevertheless. reek auditory mayhem
  • while hacking away you could open a horizontal split terminal with :T or a vertical split terminal with :VT

things done after sys install

section for you (the downloader, the image flasher)

recommended first actions after flashing image

  • login via ssh to user 'tc' - password is piCore

  • change password

    passwd -b  #make permanent
  • change hostname

    nvim /opt/  #and edit where it says box...
    /usr/bin/sethostname myhostname -b  #make permanent


to connect to a WiFi network

sudo /usr/local/bin/  #select SSID and enter PASS
sudo echo '/usr/local/bin/ -a 2>&1 > /tmp/wifi.log' >> /opt/ -b  #make permanent

cpugovernor (default is performance)

to change to ondemand (for example if you want to have your battery loast longer)

nvim /opt/  #change echo performance to echo ondemand -b  #make permanent


set the audio volume. default is 85 (-0.15dB).

alsamixer  #select card, set volume with arrow keys, esc to exit
alsactl -f /home/tc/mysound.state store  #save in custom alsa settings file -b  #make permanent


open and uncomment the lines in ~/ to make SuperCollider start at boot and run the code in ~/SCDs/mycode.scd


as this is a non-persistent system, any changes you want to save (.scd documents etc.) need to be saved with the following command... -b